Who We Are

Liverpool Independent Art School (LIAS) is a collective of passionate art professionals with over 80 years of teaching experience between them.

The organisation was set up in 2015 when Paul put out a call for artists who might be interested in forming an independent art school. The aim was simple: encourage people to engage with art by teaching skills and developing critical faculties.

The first group comprised around seven artists and the first event was a drawing festival held in the summer of 2016. Within a year or so LIAS consisted of just Toc and Paul who took on studio space on Rose Lane, Mossley Hill. Here they held regular classes in life drawing, painting and printmaking. This was a great time and great fun.

Covid lockdown prompted LIAS to give up the studio and move online. Thanks to the loyalty and determination of the LIAS regulars they came through the pandemic, relaunched in a variety of venues with new tutors, Elsa, Karen and Andrea.

This is just the beginning of the LIAS story and the team are continuously planning new projects and courses. We hope you’ll come and join us!

Meet the Team